Monday, September 12, 2011

outwardly aging, inwardly regressing

last saturday, i, along with very close friends of mine, attended the dedication cum birthday party of the children of mrs therese.  for the first time in a long time, i saw myself with my former co residents existing in their lives outside medschool: lives as moms, dads, with yayas, running after their children, making sure all the guests were well, coaching their kids regarding how they could best pin the tail on the donkey, carrying their children on their shoulders so that they can get the prime prize during the pabitin, or going with their child to the pool to feel if the water was warm enough for swimming.

gone were the days when we slept in the comfort of the callroom, rooting for american idol, playing guitar hero between referrals at the er.  all of a sudden, i was vortexed into the future of grown-uped-ness in the middle of the party.

the weirdest part of the vortex was that i felt the same.  i felt cheated that i didn't get to partake of the spaghetti and chicken lollipop and the red hotdog with the marshmallow at the tip of the stick.

i felt like competing for a loot bag.  i wanted to play hit the pot and swim with the rest of the kids in the cold weather.

however, as if to prove that these days were over, a single strand of WHITE HAIR distracted me in the middle of the dedication service.  as if in a motion of resistance and rebellion, i hastily and forcefully pulled out the white strand of hair.

i called the attention of SAFM and resident-brain-man and said "look oh".

to which they replied "ano yan?"

"white hair." i said.

as if to rub the irreversibility of it all, we did that which we could only do.


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