Thursday, July 21, 2011


good food and good trips become better with great company.

bitter rantings become better when done regularly with best friends.

the goal for life is to live not just comparatives, but superlatives.


moldy bread

i have always maintained that persons are like bread.

bread has different shelf lives.  there are breads that last for just a day, breads that are available at the grocery store for half the price off when the bakery is about to close so that they would get sold out and hopefully consumed before the mold comes and makes the bread all bad.  there are breads that last for weeks on end.

since the bread has different expiration dates, it is important to determine when best to consume them before they go bad.

such is hellowship life.  some of the wisest people i know got out of training just before they expired.  much to my frustration, i failed to realize that my expiration date was stamped on my forehead dated 2010.

but i pushed the bread in me.  beyond the limit.

hence i am now moldy bread.  no amount of saran wrap can keep away the molds from the decaying bread.

still, there are a lot of hungry people out there who are willing to partake of ANY kind of bread, even if it is moldy.

i don't know if that is good or not.

why can't we just become like wine?  gets better with age...

Monday, July 18, 2011


it is tough to discriminate between the following:
1. sadness
2. boredom
3.  dissatisfaction

they all feel the same. 

but give it time, the distinguishing factor often reveals itself after waiting patiently.

but there is only one solution.


push over

because i am the ultimate push over, i am now writing a blog after my long sabbatical...thanks to the nudge of special agent.

i post a query: have you you every felt so sad and dissatisfied that the sadness and dissatisfaction just sticks to you like saran wrap and that you don't notice it anymore?  until you find that nothing perks you up further.

what to do, what to do?

no connection.  random thoughts only.

and on the random thought my friends, thanks for the aging tribute.

the writer in me has decayed.